2021 Field Demonstration – D19 Plowing Team
This year we will be featuring the D19 plowing team in the Field Demonstration area. If you have a tractor and plow that you would like to participate with, please call Cody Hager (507-696-4765) and he will reserve a spot for you. We are excited to see these tractors in action in July.
Want to bring your D-19 tractor to the show?
Go to our show contacts page to find the right person to get your tractor registered.
How do you remove a hand brake handle from a 1939 model B Allis Chalmers tractor?
Here is a link for all of the show contacts. https://orangespectacular.com/show-contacts/
There are several people that you can contact that will help you answer your question.
Also, if you are on facebook, there is a club page. Search for Upper Midwest A-C Club™ & Orange Spectacular(R) and then request to join the group.
There are over 1,000 members with similar interests who would be able to answer your question.