The purpose of the Upper Midwest A-C Club™ is to acquire, protect, restore, maintain, and preserve knowledge; and to adhere to technical innovations, and designs of the machinery manufactured by the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company. Our club exists to preserve the history of the Allis-Chalmers company and to pass that history and knowledge along to future generations.
The Orange Spectacular® is held each summer on the 4th full weekend in July at the McLeod County Fairgrounds in Hutchinson, MN. This show, which has been declared the largest all Allis-Chalmers tractor show in the entire world, is the Upper Midwest A-C Club™ single greatest tool in preserving the Allis-Chalmers name and it’s legacy. The Orange Spectacular® brings tractor enthusiasts together along with the general public to see Allis-Chalmers machines and to experience the passion in which our club members embrace everything about Allis-Chalmers by offering seminars, field demonstrations, a tractor parade, and to witness firsthand–the camaraderie of fellow Allis-Chalmers collectors.
We are uniquely blessed with many like-minded individuals committed in never letting the Allis-Chalmers name become nothing more than a relegated footnote in history. The members of our club and the affiliations maintained with similar clubs around the country and the globe allow us to continually enlarge our knowledge base and in turn, spread our talent and expertise to any persons interested in Allis-Chalmers machines or history.
The Orange Spectacular® is open to the public to anyone willing and able to attend free of charge.
Future show dates:
July 21-23, 2023
July 26-28, 2024
July 25-27, 2025